Here it is the long awaited post! Many have asked how I get free things to try and review for companies well here are some of my secrets! Read through each one to see if they are for you! Please note do not enter into any of these just for the "FREE" stuff. They actually want your opinion, honestly! :) <----- you can click here or click the picture either way it is an invitation to join Crowdtappers from across the nation sample, share, and give feedback on products. Simply stated companies need comsumers help either re-branding, general input, or trying new things. Thats where Crowdtap comes in! You, the consumer, are there to help. They ask you simple and quick questions almost every day on the site, you gain points which turn into 2 things. First thing is that the points get your status up! A higher status means a greater chance at being asked to sample items. Also higher points get you rewards at their "store" I have only ever used mine to get Amazon gift cards. Everything can be bought there and if you become an Amazon Prime member it all ships free! I have been a member of Crowdtap for just under a year now and I love it! I have earned more than $100 in Amazon gift cards, I have done a sample and share (its called that because they send you the free stuff along with at least 1 friend) for Old Navy Active Wear where I scored a nice top and new yoga pants,$60 dollars worth of clothes for FREE and my sister got another set because they sent me 2 coupons to go get free stuff! I have also have done a bottoms bonanza party for old navy where me and 3 of my friends all got a pair of shoes (any shoes) and a pair of bottoms (anything such as skirts, shorts, jeans and capris were offered). Yes all 4 of us Scored FREE shoes and bottoms! That post can be found
HERE I did recently a swimwear sampling at Old Navy where me and a friend each got to try on tons of swim suits and each get to take one home with us that post is
HERE This past weekend I just finished up a sampling of Woolite for Darks, they sent me 12 packs to sample and share and give my opinion. Also this weekend I went back to OLD NAVY and did a Cardi Party where me and 3 friends each got to take home a cardigan, a skirt AND a scarf, that blog post is coming soon. And what does Crowdtap want from me??? Well they want me size up the clothing, the shoes, in addition to what ever they send me and the experience and report about it! Its a win win with Crowdtap! I love it and I hope you will too! Honestly I spend about 5-15 min a day total thats it, on the site!
BzzAgent <------- you can click here or on the picture to get started. This is a site that let me try some great things! Here is the deal, you log in and complete your profile, take a few short surveys so they know what to offer you, for instance they dont want to have you review dog food if you dont have a dog. Always complete there short surveys to get better known in the BzzAgent community. Then when a product or campaign comes up they will ask you to join, these do fill up fast so if you get an email act on it immediately! From them I have been a member only since Jan of this year and I have gotten in on the HealthFull Bread Campaign where they sent me the coupon for the free bread and a bunch of coupons to share, I got in on the Childrens Claritin campaign where they sent me high dollar coupons as well as a full size box of the childrens chewables AND a full size bottle of the liquid claritin! I was in a campaign, not for anything to get sent to me but to raise awareness on poverty and they were challengeing me to live below the line! I took part in this for 5 days living below the line and eating off only $1.50 a day for 5 days! They said "1.4 billion people around the world live on less than $1.50 a day. Can you?" What a challenge and an eye opener at the same time! I have had several other campaigns and currently I am working on the Glade fragrance campaign! This is a great site to influence brands, share some neat things with your friends and be in the know!
CLICK HERE to join and become a BzzAgent!
Smiley360 <------- you can click here or on the picture to accept the invitation and get started! Smiley360 works almost like BzzAgent. Its a great way to collaborate on brands and test and review products. It also has some missions that are eye openers about charities! Right now there is an operation smile going on, all I had to do was "like" a FB page to earn me smiles. Each "like" on that page was a $2 donation tward a charity doing facial reconstructions. I earned 'smiles' which in turn get me a higher status to try out more products! So simple! Make sure you fill out your profile also and go ahead and show some intrest in some of the brands they have listed on the page everything form Target to Chicken Broth! From them I have tried a full size bottle of Woolite and gotten great coupons for Woolite, and I tried out a full size bottle of Childrens Advil which came with some high value coupons, I did a full sized mens hair color (which my male neighbor is going put to the test for me), 5hr energy, Wisk Deep Clean and so much more!

Swaggable <--------- Click here or on the logo picture for Swaggable.
Swaggable is a platform for users to try new products that they are interested in! More than ever, companies need to get their product in the hands of the right consumer and Swaggable is here to make that happen! With
Swaggable you get exclusive invitations to try products you like, for free! All they want in return is your honest opinion! So far I have only been a member of this for about 2 or 3 months and I have tried a type of tea and a sample of MojoMilk. Once you log in and create your account you will see others 'swagging' other neat products too! I check this site about every other day! If something new comes up an email is sent for you to go grab the 'swag'!
Toluna <------ Great site! You take surveys and polls and share your opinions to get points redeemable for prizes, but the part I love best is the TEST area. They only give out a limited # each trial run, but you may get lucky and get selected to try out some new things going on the market or products that are looking for your input! I got to try a full size hydropeptide eye makeup! It was pretty neat! Lots of people apply to test this stuff since you know ahead of time what is coming up and when they will open it to enter to test!
Ok I will leave you with that for now! Enjoy and remember that just because a site is great and works for me doesnt mean it will for you, but I personally highly recommend these sites! If you ever need any help navigating any of them just ask I will see if I may be able to help. I also try and post on the wall if any of these ever have new openings to try new missions or products! ~Eileen