As many of you know I am a member of Crowdtap and have several postings for you guys to join to be part of a bigger picture. Back in late May early June I was one of a lucky handful chosen to host a 'Get Soaked this Summer in Old Navy Swimwear!' In Store Party! This allowed me to take 2 of my friends to Old Navy and sample all of their newest summer full piece swimsuits, bikinis and tankinis. Here is the best part: My 2 friends were able to take home their favorite suits home for FREE!
Before the big party we talked about it for weeks! We all researched online a preview of what we would hopefully be seeing in store, everything from brightly colored 2 pieces to cute suits leopard print! You can go here to see the SWIM collection here ------> OLD NAVY SITE
I held our party on a Tuesday morning. We all work full time and really needed some face time with each other and what better way of doing that than with a shopping trip! We all left our house very early in the am and took our kids to daycare. We stopped for some liquid energy (aka coffee) and headed to the store for opening. I wanted to get in first thing to introduce myself to the manager on duty and before anyone went on breaks!
The manager was GREAT! She was so accepting of everything! She set us up with the dressing room attendant! We shopped and pick a bunch of stuff out to try then went in a all played dress up! It was so much fun! I saw one of my friends trying on suits I never would have imagined her in but they looked great on her! I saw one friend who is usually quiet and reserved, completely do a 360 and was having so much fun posing for pictures in her little bikinis! The dressing room attendant was AWESOME! I usually have a female in there as the attendant but today it was a really old man. He was so funny saying he picked the best day to not call in sick because he got to see a bunch of pretty girls in bikinis! He said he had sons so seeing this was great! He was great and really made the girls and I feel comfortable!
We all tried on several suits and settled on a few things we couldn't live with out! And have vowed to go back and buy the rest! One of my girls got a white bikini with a lacy type of fabric crochet on it, she said she had always wanted a white bikini! My other girl friend ended up with a bikini that is orange with some gold embellishments, which I must say looks perfect on her skin tone! All the suits they tried on fit well, but just as with any clothes not every thing is meant for every body! We truly had a great time with this sample and share! Our picks and pics (lol) are below as well as how you can join Crowdtap and be part of a bigger picture with insight and influence! You can click on any picture to take you to the suit that my friend is wearing on Old Navy's website!

THEIR PICKS (What we went home with)
We had an excellent time! Thanks so much to Old Navy and Crowdtap!
Want to Join Me on Crowdtap? Click HERE!
Check out all of Old Navy's Swim suits online by clicking HERE! or in store
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